Coffee Beans Cleaning Project ቡና ማጽጃ/መልቀሚያ ማሽኖች
Cleaning— Dehulling -- Polishing – Grading -- Gravity Separating -- Color Sorting -- Automatic Bagging
ማጽዳት/መልቀም→ ቆዳውንና ገለባውን መለየት→መቦረሽ/ማለስለስ→በመጠን መከፋፈል→በክብደት መለየት→በቀለም መለየት→ራሱ በራሱ በከረጢት መመዘንና ማሸግ/መስፋት
South Africa Primary, Fine and Deep Corn Processing Scientific Research Report
With the development of the times, we pay more and more attention to nutritional balance, which also promotes the develo
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